Thursday, December 27, 2012


Over the past week, I’ve been eagerly waiting for my workout plan from my coach. He said he would send it first thing yesterday, after I reminded him on Christmas day. I actually reminded him quite a few times. I waited until late afternoon yesterday and still no email. I was frustrated and feeling discouraged. It didn’t help I was sick all day. I even texted him and he never texted back.
I can understand a busy schedule so I let him off the hook last night by text (he never wrote back – SHOCKER!) I already have a hard enough time on my own staying motivated to work out. That’s why I was looking for help. I really don’t have the time to just sit around and wait for him. I’ll never reach my goals. He was holding me back. His delay was allowing me to make excuses not to go to the gym. That’s not what I need. That’s not what a coach is supposed to do.
He contacted me a couple weeks ago, after learning I was having trouble finding a coach, and offered his coaching services free of charge, from afar. I thought this was a great opportunity and agreed. He sent the meal plan pretty quick but left out the workout plan. I sent my “before” pics and my measurements too, as he requested, so it wasn’t me who was delaying the process. I don’t understand why he took me on when he knew how busy he was. I need a serious coach. Not one who is going to blow me off when I need to get started already.  My plan was to start BEFORE the New Year.
I’m pretty serious about getting back into shape and maybe, one day, entering a contest to show off how much hard work I’ve done. I guess I’m back to doing this all on my own without a coach to see me all the way through. I know I can always ask my friends , fit friends on FB, and the Gymaholics forum (FB). They all have been pretty great resources already.  


1 comment:

  1. Never wait on anyone else! I trained for my half marathon by myself and I felt so accomplished that I did it all on my own! Now I just need to get back at it again and self motivate myself because you can only rely on yourself sometimes and that's not always a bad thing. Keep eating healthy and give your coach some time because I'm sure he's been busy with family/holiday stuff but also just go to the gym and lift weights.
