Saturday, December 22, 2012

Amped Up!

I'm writing this at almost 4am. Can't sleep. The motivation and excitement to re-starting my fit journey is kicking in! I found a coach to help me with this new journey. I'm hoping and expecting great things for myself. The first thing was to set short term and long term goals.

Short-term: Lose this fat and get toned up! Eat clean! Get healthy!!! I do not want to be concerned with the number on the scale this time but the number decreasing on the measuring tape! That is what kicked me down before. Darn scale!

Long term: Enter and compete in a bodybuilding contest (bikini/figure).

These aren't new year's resolutions. They are lifestyle resolutions. Resolutions to take my own health and raise it to the top of my priority list. Too many people around me have passed away this year from cancer or other reasons that could have been avoided. Maybe that is part of my motivation but mainly because I've let my chronic migraines get the best of me the last 8 years.

No one but me can take the first step and do this for me.

Those of you that know me know that I began my journey back in May all on my own and did really great. I had a great support system and I thank you! I followed Jamie Eason's LiveFit for a good 10 weeks before I lost my motivation. I took a 3-month break and it's time to take action, control, and responsibility again.

I took "before" progress pics earlier and it was extremely depressing to face the reality. I was in tears! I received some great feedback and advice from my coach and a few friends (Thank you!).

I was already unhappy about my weight/appearance but it really put things into perspective once I saw it on camera. Taking progress pics is an important component in improving yourself. I've gotta learn to use it as a tool and not a demotivating factor.

I have to say thank you to everyone who has continued to support and motivate me up to this point and beyond. Thank you everyone!

Let's do this! I'm ready! First day of food prep and working out starts today!!!



  1. You have the blackmarket guerrilla! ur in great hands! you have all ur point set and ready! with ur motivation u will inspire many life's! so get to it! and Hold strong!

  2. I love that quote! It's so true! I agree that taking pictures can really help you see the progress. I know I've done that when doing the wrap and I saw a difference! I'm excited for you and I'm also going to get healthy and fit too! Go us! :)
