Saturday, December 22, 2012

First Workout

I could not, for the life of me, fall asleep this morning after I wrote the first blog. Too many thoughts going through my head and I was just too excited to get started working out. I finally knocked out after a good 5 hours of sleep though. I would prefer 8 hours but I was ready to do a workout and pushed my ass out of bed. Sometimes, you just have to!

I thought it was too cold outside to make it to the gym (this will not be an excuse later) so I decided to do an at-home workout. Popped in the ol' Beachbody Slim in 6 DVD and ramped it up! Yea, I know it was made in the early 90s but it still does the job. Oh man! I did the entire 25 minutes and it really shows that 3-month break took its toll. Squats, lunges, pushups, crunches...oh wow! And y'all wanted me to do crossfit?!!! No way! I'd die! I'm a low-med impact kinda girl. Especially with just starting out again! Gonna lay here and catch my breath before I hit the grocery store.....

This is JUST the beginning!

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